• Aesthetics and Art

    The 2004 film Mean Girls may bring laughs into your living room, but the artistic aesthetics and tasks comprising the film bring even more to the table. Mean Girls serves the inner-directed artistic task of inspiring fear, disgust, and indignation. Orlik states, “There is the intention to inspire fear or disgust for the evils portrayed, in the hope…

  • Structural Analysis

    Mean Girls is a 2004 comedy that follows Cady Heron navigating high school in America after moving from South Africa. After infiltrating the popular clique, “The Plastics,” Cady realizes that high school is not all fun and games, as she encounters the unbelievable drama and betrayal within. One of the main archetypes in the film is…

  • Depiction Analysis

    The 2004 film Mean Girls heavily focuses on Cady Heron’s interactions with The Queen Bees of her high school, known as The Plastics. Trying to take down this squad of bullies ultimately leads to disaster for not only Cady but the entire student body of North Shore High School. In terms of depiction analysis, the…

  • Uses and Gratifications

    Through studying audience reviews about the 2004 film Mean Girls, there are a handful of identifiable statements in which these audience members have satisfied, or attempted to satisfy, at least one of the seven uses and gratifications factors. Catharsis was an identified factor throughout the reviews. In one example from a film review in the…

  • Mean Girls: Stage-Molding Ingredients

    Stage-molding ingredients, such as light and color, framing or staging, audio setting and sound selection, and editing or sequencing choices are important individual aspects that conjoin to create a whole and give media texts their deeper meaning. The opening scene of Mean Girls begins with a low-angle shot, inferring that the man and woman on screen…

  • Mean Girls: Tonal and Talent Ingredients

    Mean Girls is a 2004 comedy that follows Cady Heron navigating high school in America after moving from South Africa, where she was homeschooled by her parents. After infiltrating the popular clique, “The Plastics,” Cady realizes that high school is not all fun and games, as she encounters the unbelievable drama and betrayal that North Shore…

  • Mean Girls: Rotten Tomatoes Reviews

    Mean Girls is a 2004 film based on Rosalind Wiseman‘s book Queen Bees and Wannabes and focuses on a teenage girl learning the ins and outs of high school in America after arriving from South Africa. One Rotten Tomatoes Super Reviewer, who rated the film 4.5 stars out of 5, stated “I don’t think a…

  • The Communication Process

    In Amy Sciarretto’s Pop Crush article, she provides readers with a review of Justin Bieber‘s song “Boyfriend”, which marked a pivot of his career into adult songwriting. Sciarretto compares Bieber’s song to both Justin Timberlake and Michael Jackson, which provides historical context to the similar path which these pop-stars trekked, as all transitioned from teen sensation to adult superstar. Orkin states…

  • Role of The Media Critic

    In Jake Indiana’s Highsnobiety article, he provides personal opinions on his rankings of every Super Bowl halftime performance from the years 2000 through 2021. While studying broadcast criticism in 1959, Ralph Smith found that practicing critics value relaxation and informality in their writing, something that Indiana achieves in this article as each of his rankings…

  • “GLEE – A Perfect Pilot (Video Essay)” – An Analysis of The Film Fanclub’s Critique

    In a video titled “GLEE – A Perfect Pilot (Video Essay),” YouTube user The Film Fanclub thoroughly analyzes the pilot episode of the series, Glee, in an effort to support his claims that episode one of Glee is essentially the perfect pilot to introduce a new series. Sam Caricco, the host of this video, begins…

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